Thursday 6 November 2014

Music Magazine Prompts

The representation of the artist is very important because it gives off an impression to the artists. It keeps the same type of mysteriousness as the cover does to the photo.
This is consistent because it still uses the same red and white that is used on the front cover and the contents, and quite a lot of the inside of the magazine.
The artists name is enlarged because if someone is looking through the magazine for that particular artist then they will have a better chance of finding it and also it’ll give an insight on who the person next to the interview actually is. And if the artists name was smaller than the interview’s text then the interview will not look very important to the reader.
The text is a very distinguishable and easy to read because the text is small. The text is small because the page needs to be filled with masses of text and information. If there wasn't so much information packed into the page or any of the pages in the magazine, then the reader may not think it is worth reading compared to another magazine. It is very typical to have 3 columns because then the lines aren't very long and don’t lose their line.
Page numbers are very important because of when someone needs to refer back to a certain page they are able to find it again very easily. Also when looking through the contents the reader has to be able to easily find important articles or interviews.
A smaller masthead or logo in the bottom page of the magazine is important as a generic piece of information to the magazine. This is important because if a random person is looking over a person’s shoulder a reading the magazine this will inform the reader which magazine this is.
This date is include to the bottom of the page as well because if someone were to read this magazine in the doctors or hospital or something then they’ll be informed how out of date the magazine is. Also the page number is included in the bottom of the page to inform the reader which page their own.
The web address is included in the magazine because not all the information will be included in the magazine, so the reader can be redirected to find out more information about the magazine.
This very typical and popular feature of capitalising the start of a paragraph or section, is a magazine feature that is used throughout many magazines. This is used because  it  informs the reader of a new section in the article, it also looks very professional in the magazine.
The purpose of the photograph is to give an idea of the artists personality and on this certain photograph is the idea of mysteriousness. Another reason for the photograph is that if the page was only just text and not a single photo the reader may think the page will be boring and skip past and not read it. Having a picture on every page of a magazine is now a generic feature.

The interview only contains striking and important information, that information will also be important to the artist, this may be about new albums or new tours. This interview is told in fragments to the reader. This hooks the reader till the end with hiding information they want to find out.

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