Monday 19 January 2015

7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Looking back on my preliminary task, I feel I have learnt a lot from the differences in the preliminary task and the final media product; this is because I have learnt a lot from my initial mistakes that I may have made in the preliminary task. Also I have learnt about using different technologies in new initiative ways. I have learnt a lot of ways to better present my work in a lot of new programs. And I also have learnt more ways to make a better piece of a media product. I have learnt many things on how to construct and present images for media products, I have learnt on how a magazine should present itself to a particular social group and how to make it stand out and appear better. And from these particular factors this has made me produce a better magazine in general.
The first improvement I had made to the initial task was to improve the appeal to certain target audience which I did not use to full use in the initial task , and I explored this feature in my music magazine which work rather well, although the target audience was still large. I finally targeted my magazine to people who enjoyed the rock genre, and explored sub-genres such as: pop-rock; indie; and alternative. I did this by adding artists of this genre and making up my own artist that is depicted as those genres by basing them on other artists of those genres. I was able to do this by researching how different artists/genres are presented by magazines and followed this into my own magazine. Overall I think I improved in using this feature on a whole.
Secondly, I believe the quality of photos I took in general are better than those of the preliminary task. In the preliminary task the photos are generally not of good quality, such as the shot of the photos are generally not thought of as in the final task I experimented with which shots would look better with the overall basic layout of the magazine. Also the lighting was not of very good quality with the initial task and therefore did not present itself very well to the reader as in the final task I made sure that all the lighting was to the best quality I could make it. Finally, the overall quality of the photos are better in the final task rather than the initial task because in the final task I made sure that the camera was set to its best capability. Apart from the quality of the image I also depicted change in the body language of the models, after doing research on how to present certain genres in models/artists I followed this into my own work by present these artists in a way that would help represent their genre. Overall, I think I improved the quality of the photos that I took for the magazine.
Finally, another improvement I had made to my magazine was the text and masthead. In the initial task the masthead was not really thought of and was added in a few minutes, as to suppose the masthead in the final task was thoroughly thought off and experimented with and tested with the basic magazine layout and worked better than in the initial task. Also that overall text is better in the final task, because in the initial task some of the common text may have not been as easy to read as to suppose to the final task. Also the text on the cover is generally improved because in the initial task I tried to pack in as many fonts as possible, but with the final task I stuck to bold and easy font throughout the magazine which generally improved it for reading and appeal.

Overall I think I generally improved my quality of skills from the initial task, but some things like use of color house I think I generally used rather well throughout both magazines.

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