Monday 26 January 2015

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

I have chosen a particular social group to be represented, and my social group are people who generally enjoy the rock genre of music. I have chosen this particular social group because the music can generally be broad and vague, this means I can open up my magazine to a larger audience.This is also a very large section of the music industry and then making me able to and more information and features in my magazine. Features such as: tour dates; album releases; and new formed bands.
These particular social groups will be able to tell if a certain media product – like mine – is targeted at them or not. This is because of how the magazine may be represented to them. The colors and how the magazine is laid out can help represent itself to a social group. If it had bright colors like: white; pink; and light blue, then a person may think it is a pop magazine. Also how the artist on the cover is represent may tell us what social group it is.

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